Diabetes in Dogs

Monitoring Urine
Glucose & Ketones

Tracking Diabetes in Your Dog’s Urine

Monitoring Glucose and Ketones in Your Dog’s Urine

Your vet or vet nurse may ask you to check your pet’s urine to monitor glucose and ketones. Depending on your pet, this may be done 1–3 times a day:

If monitoring once daily, the measurement should occur at the same time every day.

Collecting Urine

Tools for Collecting
  • Clean containers for collecting urine
  • Urine dipsticks from your veterinary practice
  • A place to record results (e.g. Diabetes diary or Pet Diabetes Tracker App)
How to Collect
  • Take your dog out for a walk on a lead. Keep your dog on a lead so that they will be within reach when they urinate
  • Have a clean, dry container (dish, bowl, or small pan) ready to catch urine when your dog urinates
  • When your dog begins to urinate, slowly slide the container under the urine stream
  • If needed, long-handled devices are also commercially available to help facilitate urine collection

Using Urine Dipsticks

Step 1

Read instructions for dipsticks you are using to ensure test results are completed successfully.

Step 2

Remove one test strip and fully immerse in urine to ensure all pads are soaked.

Step 3

Immediately remove the test strip and tap to remove excess urine.

Step 4

Read the result after the time specified on the dipstick bottle.

Step 5

Hold the stick against the chart on the dipstick container to compare colors.

Step 6

Record the results. Include time of collection and time of Caninsulin® given on that day.

Tracking Results

Recording your dog’s results is important to properly manage care. Keep track using the Pet Diabetes Tracker app or download a copy of the diabetes diary.

Tracking Tools & Resources

1. Pet Diabetes Tracker app
Review and keep important information to manage diabetes.

2. Blood Glucose Curve Tool
Easily record blood glucose readings to generate a blood glucose curve.

3. Helpful Downloads
Additional resources to understand and manage canine diabetes.

Next Article: Monitoring Blood Glucose >

Further Reading

Talk to Your Vet Today

to learn more about pet diabetes, and how cats and dogs can lead a happy,
healthy life with proper management

Caninsulin® 40 IU/ml Suspension for Injection contains porcine insulin. POM-V.
Further information is available from the SPC, Datasheet or package leaflet.
Advice should be sought from the medicine prescriber.
Prescription decisions are for the person issuing the prescription alone.
Use Medicines Responsibly.