Blood Glucose
Curve Generator

Staying Ahead of
The Curve

Using the Blood Glucose Curve Generator is a great way to visualise your cat’s blood glucose levels and to check insulin effectiveness. This information helps your vet prescribe the best treatment plan.

Step 1

Before breakfast and insulin, sample your cat’s blood & record the time and their blood glucose concentration.

Feed your cat and inject them with Caninsulin®. Record their dose, dose time and meal time.

Sample your cat’s blood at least every 60-120 minutes over 12-24 hours. Record the time of each sample and the blood glucose concentration.

Feed and inject your cat with their second dose of Caninsulin®. Record the dose, dose time and meal time.

Step 2
Use the Blood
Glucose Curve

Download the
Mobile App Today

The FREE Pet Diabetes Tracker Mobile App is the best way to record blood glucose measurements, generate a blood glucose curve, and send results to your veterinary practice.

Caninsulin® 40 IU/ml Suspension for Injection contains porcine insulin. POM-V.
Further information is available from the SPC, Datasheet or package leaflet.
Advice should be sought from the medicine prescriber.
Prescription decisions are for the person issuing the prescription alone.
Use Medicines Responsibly.